Saturday, February 28, 2009

Donnie, please forgive me =)

Here's a story from work the other night. Donnie girls don't be mad with me I still Love Donnie Wahlberg lol.
This customer (we'll call him Creepy McCreeperson) comes in and asks for recommendations (common, I don't think anything of it) so I give him some movie recommendations and anything I say is good he picks up, now he has 5 movies in his hand(making his total 11). Okay maybe he just has a lot of free time, then he says something to the effect of maybe u'll watch one with me, So it gets awkward and I have to be nice cuz I'm working, I reply I've seen all those continues to try and flirt w/ me and then Creepy asks me if I'm married or if I have a "friend", since I want to end this awkward situation quickly I say yeah I have a "friend" (even though I know I'm single as ever), he preceeds to ask all about my "friend" and when he asks who my "friend" is cuz he might know him, what name do I say? Jordan! How does that happen? I said Jordan instead of Donnie, I knew I was finding Jordan more and more hot since Charlotte, and was even considering myself a Donnie/Jordan girl but for me to say Jordan first, what has gotten into me? BTW, my coworker who was within hearing range of this whole spectacle found it hilarious, which made it 10 times harder for me to not bust out laughing.

So there was a momentary lapse in my brain but please don't ever forget I LOVE DONNIE WAHLBERG!!! I know Erin likes to question my love for the man so I have to make it clear. =)


  1. HAHA For the girl who LOVES DONNIE WAHLBERG, I cannot believe you busted out with Jordan as your "friend". I don't think you are as totally committed to Donnie as you say you are. Tsk tsk tsk

  2. OMG!!! That story was funny even though you forgot about our man!!!!! Need I remind you!?!?! YOU LOVE DONNIE WAHLBERG!!!!! Now... if Jordan starts pulling out some of those tricks in Greenville like he did in Charlotte...damn..I'm a little scared that I may bust out with some Jordan lovin too lmao But I will never forget who the REAL man is lmao

  3. There you go again...I never questioned your love for Donnie. I merely made an observation. (I'm not judging you!!)LOL!
