Thursday, February 19, 2009

Might as well jump on the train before it leaves the station =)

So it seems that almost all of my bishes have one of these so I figure I might as well jump on the train before I get left lol.
On the iffy side of life: today I went and picked up my cap and gown for my undergrad graduation, which makes me super excited! At the same time it makes me incredibly nervous, I have to pray real hard that I make it through this semester and this summer internship and actually get my degree, and that I find some type of job following that to sustain myself. If you can fit it in say a prayer for me to finish.
On a happy side of life: today NKOTB was on Regis and Kelly live! and they looked awesome, Donnie wrote a new blog which always always makes me smile no matter what he says, they gave a sneak preview of their new music video which I can't wait to see on Monday, and then they were on E! News talking and looking wonderfully amazing. It still amazes me how much I love these 5 men.
On a looking forward to the future note; 24 days from tomorrow I will be seeing my Donnie Wahlberg again and hopefully telling him something more than "I Love Donnie Wahlberg," I will hopefully get a chance to talk to Jordan this time, I'll get to see an amazing show, and I'll be sharing it with 4 of my bishes. Tomorrow morning I will wake up to NKOTB on the Today show and then Monday I will be watching the premiere of the "2 in the morning video" I feel like it's going to be a good couple of days =)

p.s please forgive any grammatical errors or misspellings as I was and often am still, distracted by thoughts of hot guys in my English classes
examples include but are not limited to:


  1. You know I am always saying lots of prayers for you. I know that you are going to do great with your summer internship!!!!!

    I am also super excited about our trip to see our boys! I love them soooo much. Woo hoo! I am ready to be back with my bishes again too.

    I don't even know some of those people in the pictures you have posted.

  2. Oh yeah...I forgot to tell you...

    I think your train left the station a loooonnnnggg time ago! (Just kidding! Love ya! Mean it!)

  3. umm the pick of mcsteamy is soo effin hot! i need to be his bowl of cereal so he can, well you know what i was going to say.

    on another note, i'm proud of you. you are pursuing things and getting your degree becoming an awesome woman. you've done it. that's something to be proud of!

  4. i'm proud of you too woman!!! i'm serious...we need to have a nkotb themed graduation party for us this summer lmao
