
While most of my love was always directed at the Backstreet Boys, after that initial introduction to boy bands I was sold and have loved almost every boy band since.
May 17, 1999: it was the day before the release of the Backstreet Boys second (American) album Millennium and I was watching TRL. Most days I only watched the top five because Nsync, Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears were always fighting for the top spot but I watched the entire show this day because there was a lot of promo going on for Millennium. That was when I saw Jordan Knight, it was the first time he told me he could give it to me and I think it may have been my first experience with love at first sight. He was pretty to me!
This immediate infatuation lead me to the internet which in turn lead me to a site that told me all about him being a former member of the New Kids on the Block. That was when I saw him, Mr. Donnie Wahlberg! He had fluffy hair (which we know now that I have a weakness for) a bandana on and a scowl on his face, there happened my second experience with love at first sight. I had to know more about the New Kids on the Block! I downloaded their biggest songs only to learn that I already knew most of them, my Aunt Tonya had had their Hangin Tough cassette tape and I had loved it. My love for NKOTB grew but it was not like my love for Backstreet Boys because I had no one to talk about the New Kids with, and no way to enjoy them outside of the internet (which my access to was limited.) I watched videos and I listened to their songs but it was a different love, it was a "wish I had been around for this cuz it's awesome" kinda love.
In 2008, nearly 9 years later it was confirmed that NKOTB was reuniting. This sent me on a whirlwind ride that I still haven't gotten off of. These past 2 and a half years have proved to be 2 and a half of the most trying years for me personally, and through that I have had both NKOTB and BSB. But I never imagined that I would see NKOTB and BSB together, never fathomed it. Even when I was told hours before it happened, I didn't believe it. Nope it wasn't gonna happen, I believe my exact words were "Danny doesn't even like the Backstreet Boys" there is no way, and then shortly after I was screaming til I had no air because it WAS possible and it was happening before my eyes.
I was there to experience a once in a lifetime event, NKOTB and BSB performing together, it wouldn't happen again right? Wrong! Last week they officially confirmed the rumors that they would tour together. I couldn't be more happy right? Well yes and no. See for me, to have my BSB world and my NKOTB world collide would be absolutely amazing, or so I thought. I am absolutely ecstatic about the NKOTBSB tour, I think it will be nothing short of Epic!! but if I am unable to get a second job, I will not be able to take part in this epicness and that hurts my heart.
Financial issues aside, my NKOTB/BSB combined world is a rare breed. See, a lot of the fans of both groups are not happy about this collaboration, which is still hard for me to understand because if BSB or NKOTB had said they were to tour with Soulja Boy (whom irks me) I would have been just as excited. Now I understand that the ticketing process is what a lot of the uproar is about but if you don't get floor tickets for this concert is it really gonna kill you? If I had to sit in the very last seat in the very last row in the biggest arena in America I would go, I would go and I would enjoy myself. I know that if I am able to attend any of the shows to come I will go and be happy, I just hope that whoever I go with will share my excitement. I love my friends that I have been blessed to meet through NKOTB but I know that they don't share my excitement and I don't want to take away from their NKOTB experience.
Will I be able to go? Will I get a second job? Will tickets go on sale WAY too soon? Will the tour come close enough for me to go? Will I meet BSB? Will my 12 year old self make yet another apperance? Stay tuned to find out lol ;)
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